Creative places series #1 Malaga

Travelling is one of my favourite things to do and when I’m away I love seeking out new creative spaces to see how art is created and perceived in foreign places.

This year, troubled by Covid and moving hometowns from Brighton to Bristol, my trip to Spain was set out to get my mental wellbeing back in shape and so spent a lot of my time relaxing rather than visiting art studios and galleries as I would normally do.

However, I was always on the lookout for street art and wasn’t disappointed by countless murals in the old town and artistic quarters in the centre of Malaga.

Malaga is always the birth place of Pablo Picasso and it is celebrated everywhere. One of the few places galleries I visited was the Picasso Museum and despite having reservations about what kind of man he was, his artwork in undeniably beautiful and exciting to see in real life.

I’m looking forward to revisiting Spain, Madrid is high up on the wishlist and I would definitely revisit Malaga, if only to explore some of the galleries I missed this time round.


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